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At times I felt I was riding through the pages of a tale. Rising out of the semi-darkness, the trees around me were immense beings, dead branches curling over new ones like tangled hair.

A tree's life has no time limit the way our human lives have. They will only die under the impact of an external force - as long as they are growing in a healthy environment, they live on. They have a mysterious power to remain, a permanence which contrasts with our passing by. It's as though trees were an extension of our world, rather than one of its temporary creations.

It's funny how in the city, the world seems to close in around you somehow. Reality becomes what is immediately in front of you: a day's work, a meal, obligations and routine. You lose perspective. You're so deeply enthralled in your own little world that most of the time, you forget the rest of the world exists. The forest brings you back to reality - back to your insignificance. Back to the basic fact that you're alive the same way a flower is, and no more valuable. 


Text and Image Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2012 Clelia Goodchild

This website's content, text, audio, videos, and images are all the work of Clelia Goodchild

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All rights reserved.

Clelia Goodchild asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this website's texts, videos and photographs.

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