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Art on the Quarry



The sculptors live in the COESP quarry, a platform amidst sugarcane plantations.

They only go back to their families every other week - stone is their second home.

With some sketches and measurements, images and emotions, they shape rough granite into Art.

They work in pairs - one block, one spirit, four hands.

And when the result does not quite match the vision, well, they do it all over again. 


The art will end up in the Atlantic Rainforest STR reserve, acting as guardians to the forest.

On the one hand, an experiment to observe how the art will become part of nature over time. 

On the other, a way of giving the reserve an artistic value in an attempt to better protect it

from threats such as urban development.




Text and Image Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2012 Clelia Goodchild

This website's content, text, audio, videos, and images are all the work of Clelia Goodchild

unless otherwise stated and may not be reproduced or copied in any form.

All rights reserved.

Clelia Goodchild asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this website's texts, videos and photographs.

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