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Wild Heart




There was a place where the sky was a sky of green leaves,

echoed by their fallen sisters entirely carpeting the ground.

With every step, my feet sank deeper into the soft earth.

With every step, every day, every season, the forest revealed more of its inhabitants. 

Spending time in the forest felt like recovering faded senses:

I learnt to hear better, smell better, feel better.

My eyes grew used to the canopy the way they would grow used to a dark room.

Slowly, I started to see.


Text and Image Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2012 Clelia Goodchild

This website's content, text, audio, videos, and images are all the work of Clelia Goodchild

unless otherwise stated and may not be reproduced or copied in any form.

All rights reserved.

Clelia Goodchild asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this website's texts, videos and photographs.

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