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Follow the Rio Beberibe in its sinews and curves, follow the million variations of a river.

It races through the forest, embracing earth on its way, dappled with patches of sky.

It cups all life in its lined palm.

“It was a beautiful place – wild, untouched, above all untouched, with an alien, disturbing secret loveliness.” Wide Sargasso Sea, Jean Rhys 




This is what the river Beberibe has become in the poor urban areas it goes through.

This is the very same river you've seen above. Whilst in the reserve it is a source of clean fresh water, here it has become a source of illnesses and infections.

In colonial times, people believed the Beberibe had curing properties, and the sick would bathe in its pure waters. Today, anyone entering the foul waters found in the city is advised to go to hospital. 

Where the river is dying, people are left merely surviving. There is a loss of dignity for all.


Text and Image Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2012 Clelia Goodchild

This website's content, text, audio, videos, and images are all the work of Clelia Goodchild

unless otherwise stated and may not be reproduced or copied in any form.

All rights reserved.

Clelia Goodchild asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this website's texts, videos and photographs.

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